In this video, I’m going to show you how you can retire early, using a combination of strategic investments, savings, and money building hacks. I’m 28 years old right now (almost 29) and my plan is to be able to retire at age 30 if I want. Watch all the way through and you’ll have a actionable steps you can take today to start building wealth and retiring early.
id you know that 36% of workers and retirees have under $1,000 in their saving? This crazy stat shows us that not enough people are prioritizing saving money and investing it the smart way. Not only that, but they are working more years and getting fewer years to relax in retirement. I know YOU are going to beat that statistic :)

My goal is to show you that we don’t need to live the traditional 9-5 career, where you graduate school, spend 30+ years working 5 days a week, and finally get to enjoy your life after retiring. You can start living now :) But it will take getting out of your comfort zone and doing things that most people won’t want to do.

We’ll talk about:
The FIRE movement and how you can utilize it to build more wealth and retire early
The effects of building your income and how drastically an extra $1,000 passive income can have on your path to retirement. Serious, watch the video for a breakdown of how crazy it is!
Some investing strategies you can use right now to increase your wealth
The 4% rule and how to interpret this
Examples of different incomes and savings rates
Relocation as a key strategy in retiring early
📺 The video in this post was made by Charlie Chang
The origin of the article:
🔺 DISCLAIMER: The article is for information sharing. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Not investment advice or legal advice.
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How to Retire at Age 30 (Investing the SMART Way). DO NOT MISS!!!
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