Every couple of days you read about the “next big thing in [enter technology name here]” and it’s hard to tell if there’s anything behind those claims. Yet, I often suffer from a terrible affliction called FOMO - fear of missing out - which makes me spend hours upon hours testing the technology only to find it completely useless and nothing to show for my efforts.

So how can you tell that that new thing you just found out about will stick around for a while? Well, I found that if a technology gets picked up by a big company that usually means it’s here to stay. Using the same logic I’ve put serverless to the test. Here are a few companies that use serverless right now.

Netflix using serverless

1. Netflix

You heard that’s right kids, our favorite past time activity provider is using serverless to serve 7 billion of video hours to 50 million customers in 60 countries. EVERY. QUARTER. Now while I won’t pretend to understand the intricates of the Netflix infrastructure I will point out that they rely heavily on AWS Lambda to run tasks that would otherwise take up a lot of computing process and even more time to build. The Cheif Product Officer at Netflix had a talk at AWS Re-invent where he spoke about the different ways they use serverless in order to provide the best on-demand video streaming service out there (biased alert).

2. Codepen

Codepen has been around since 2012 and has quickly become a standard for web developers. People use it to share pieces of code and examples that help newcomers get a jump start in their development career. Right now Codepen servers up to 200 000 requests per hour and while that is impressive, what surprised me is the fact that all their infrastructure is run by a one-man DevOps team. What better way to learn about the wonders of serverless than from the horse’s mouth, to that end, here’s a podcast made by the guys over at codepen.io talking about serverless.

Zalora using serverless

#serverless #production

Companies using Serverless in Production
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