Updated 2021 MERN stack user authentication tutorial series. In this tutorial series, I’m setting up a project template for working with user authentication in the MERN stack. You will learn to register user accounts to a MongoDB database, log in users on the react frontend and verify logged in users. The authentication is secured by technologies such as JsonWebTokens, Bcrypt and HTTP-only cookies. We’ll be using react hooks and the context API to deal with the state management of the user authentication in the frontend.

Insomnia API tester: https://insomnia.rest/
Finished code on github: https://github.com/jgbijlsma/mern-auth-template-tutorial


  • 00:00 Create heroku app
  • 02:30 Deploy backend to heroku
  • 08:37 Setting heroku env variables
  • 10:21 Testing deployed server

#mongodb #react #express #node #mern

MERN Stack Secure Authentication Part 13 | Deploying The Backend | JWT, Cookies, Bcrypt, React Hooks
2.90 GEEK