In this post, we are going to cover a list of open-source animations libraries you should consider trying in your next React Native app.

In a mobile app, animations have an impact on user experience in terms of interactions and engagement. Animations can quickly become one of the key factors that users love engaging with on your mobile app.

While building a React Native app, it is essential to think of user interactions. Animating some of the user actions can really help the user to engage within the app. In this post, we are going to cover a list of open-source animations libraries that work with React Native and you might consider trying some of them for your next app to accelerate development time. The libraries mentioned here do offer more advanced use cases than the Animatedbuilt-in API, React Native comes with.

React Native Reanimated

react reanimated

React Native’s built-in Animated API is written from scratch in the React Native Reanimated library to provide flexibility for gesture-based interactions along with creating animations in apps. The React Native API has some limitations when enabling gesture-based interactions and this library tends to solve them.

It has full native support and performs animations directly on the native thread instead of JavaScript thread. Any animation you write using this library is written using JavaScript code. It is also backward compatible, meaning you don’t have to change huge chunks of code or re-create the animation for a specific React Native core component if you plan to use this library and migrate from Animated API.

This library is created and actively maintained by developers at Software Mansion and Expo. It also works well with the Gesture Handler library to create gesture-based interactions, that is another advantage this library provides. It is also good for low-grade devices.

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Top 6 Animation Libraries in React Native
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