Draggable & Touch-friendly Carousel In Vanilla JavaScript

The embla-carousel JavaScript library which helps developers to create a responsive, customizable, mobile-friendly carousel component on the web app.

Fully responsive based on CSS flexbox.

How to use it:

Install & download.

## Yarn
$ yarn add embla-carousel

## NPM
$ npm install embla-carousel --save

Import the embla-carousel.

import EmblaCarousel from 'embla-carousel'

Or load the compiled JavaScript in the document.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/embla-carousel"></script>

Add slides to the embla carousel.

<div class="embla" id="embla">
  <div class="embla__container">
    <div class="embla__slide">
      Slide 1
    <div class="embla__slide">
      Slide 2
    <div class="embla__slide">
      Slide 3

Initialize the embla carousel.

const embla = EmblaCarousel(document.getElementById('embla'))

The basic CSS styles for the embla carousel.

.embla {
  overflow: hidden;

.embla__container {
  display: flex;
  will-change: transform;

.embla__slide {
  position: relative;
  flex: 0 0 auto;
  width: 100%;

Available options to customize the embla carousel.

const embla = EmblaCarousel(document.getElementById('embla'),{

      // or start, center,end, number
      align: 'center',

      // or 'y'
      axis: 'x',

      // parent container
      containerSelector: '*',

      // choose between keeping redundant snap points or trimming them
      // 'trimSnaps' or 'keepSnaps'
      containScroll: '',

      // the number of slides to show per page
      slidesToScroll: 1,

      // contains slides to the carousel viewport to prevent excessive scrolling at the beginning or the end
      containScroll: false,

      // enable draggable
      draggable: true,
      dragFree: false,

      // infinite loop
      loop: false,

      // animation speed
      speed: 10,

      // start index
      // 0 = slide 1
      startIndex: 0,

      // default CSS classes
      selectedClass: 'is-selected',
      draggableClass: 'is-draggable',
      draggingClass: 'is-dragging'


Available API methods that can be used for creating your own carousel controls.

// gets the container node

// returns an array of slide nodes

// gets the current slide

// returns an array of numbers representing the scroll progress for each snap point

// gets the previous slide

// checks if has previous slide

// checks if has next slide

// goes to the next slide

// goes to the previous slide

// goes to a specific slide
embla.scrollTo(index: number);

// updates options
embla.reInit(options: options);

// gets the current scroll progress

// mimics how CSS scroll snap behaves on mobile
// returns true or false

// destroys the instance

Event handlers.

// embla.on(event, callback)
// embla.off(event, callback)

embla.on('init', function(e){
  // on init

embla.on('destroy', function(e){
  // on destroy

embla.on('select', function(e){
  // on a slide selected

embla.on('pointerDown', function(e){
  // on dragStart

embla.on('pointerUp', function(e){
  // on dragEnd

embla.on('click', function(e){
  // on click

embla.on('scroll', function(e){
  // on scroll

embla.on('settle', function(e){
  // allows users to hook onto when the carousel has stopped scrolling

Download Details:

Author: davidcetinkaya

Demo: https://davidcetinkaya.github.io/embla-carousel/

Source Code: https://github.com/davidcetinkaya/embla-carousel


Draggable & Touch-friendly Carousel In Vanilla JavaScript
8.15 GEEK