Are your clients seeing loading screens for long time? You did everything right but are you still getting high response times and even timeouts? Do you want your app 10x, 100x, 10000x faster? Redis is here to solve all your problems.

This reminds me 90s tv ads. Anyway, all the things I asked above are real questions. If you want your application to be fast, adding a in memory cache solution can fit your needs. There a lot of options to choose, for example you can use In-memory MongoDb, Ignite, Redis, Mem-cache etc. all these technologies built to make your application fast.

I use Redis & MongoDb combination in NodeJs all the time but this article is not aiming to navigate you to find perfect caching strategy. That’s another topic by itself.

What is Redis?

Redis is a key-value data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker. Redis comes from Remote Dictionary Server. It uses ram to store the data, therefore it serves data blazingly fast. Also it supports cluster, streams, TTL, geographical query, pub/ sub and much more.

Okay let’s move on, we need to setup our environment,

What do we need?

  • NodeJs LTS — 10^
  • Redis Server
  • Docker
  • Visual Studio Code

#web-development #nodejs #redis #javascript

How to Connect Redis and Node.js
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