IntelliJ IDEA is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java for developing software. It is developed by JetBrains and is available as an Apache 2 licensed community edition and in a proprietary commercial edition. IntelliJ supports a variety of datasources within their IDE. Because YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible, most third-party tools and apps will work “out of the box.” IntelliJ is no exception here.

In this blog post we’ll walk you though the following steps:

  • Install a 3 node YugabyteDB cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Install the Northwind sample database
  • Configure IntelliJ to work with YugabyteDB
  • Test out some basic IntelliJ database features with YugabyteDB

New to distributed SQL or YugabyteDB? Read on.

What Is Distributed SQL?

Distributed SQL databases are becoming popular with organizations interested in moving data infrastructure to the cloud or cloud native environments. This is often motivated by the desire to reduce TCO or move away from the horizontal scaling limitations of monolithic RDBMS like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server. The basic characteristics of Distributed SQL are:

#java #database #tutorial #kubernetes #postgresql #postgres

Getting Started With IntelliJ IDEA and Distributed SQL
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