Learn how to create animations for both React web and React Native mobile apps without rewriting the code with this tutorial.

Animations are important to make an app interactive. They make the user feel more connected with the app.

With React Native gaining momentum, a lot of products are either built with React Native or have migrated to it. However, while code for webpages can be reused in mobile apps in some cases, a major problem is that animations often cannot carry over, as the APIs are completely different.

In this article, we will learn how to leverage React Native file resolution and react-spring (an animation library) to write a single codebase that runs animations in both React and React Native.

We will start by learning about React Native file resolution and react-spring, and continue by building a very basic sample app. In this sample app, we will write one code which will work both in React on the web, and React Native in mobile apps.

#react #react-native

Run Animations in React and React Native from One Codebase
60.00 GEEK