Laravel 8 brought in many improvements to Laravel and many more packages such as Laravel Breeze to learn and master.

One of the most notable packages is the Laravel Breeze, a beautifully designed application start kit for Laravel 8, and it comes with the implementation of authentication and authorization.

If you’ve used Laravel Jetstream before, you will notice that it is a little overwhelming and has a stiff learning curve.

Hence, Laravel Breeze was developed to get you set up quickly and simpler.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to master Laravel Breeze.

We will look at the installation guide and discuss the different authentication processes generated with Laravel Breeze.

In the end, you will be comfortable using Laravel Breeze.

What is Laravel Breeze

Laravel Breeze is the new Laravel Auth scaffolding that comes with even more features and simplicity. It comes inbuilt with all the Laravel authentication features plus our beloved Tailwind CSS styling and styled blade templates.

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Laravel Breeze Tutorial: The Definitive Guide (2021)
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