Weather App with Vuejs

Vue Weather App ☁

About 🌡

The app is a weather application, which shows the temperature of different cities and countries around the world. Depending on the temperature, the background image changes from cold to hot. This gives a visual aid to the user.

For this project, I used the OpenWeatherMap API, to find the live weather forcast.

The frontend of the website was made completely in Vue.Js and Heroku was used to deploy and host the web application.

This application was made using Vue.Js. This was the first time that I was using Vue.

Demo Weather App


Thumbnail Thumbnail

Project setup 👨‍💻

git clone
cd vue-weather-app
yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Download Details:

Author: Roshan-Thomas


Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Weather App with Vuejs
5.25 GEEK