Professor JavaScript is a JavaScript online learning courses YouTube Channel. Students can learn how to develop codes with JavaScript from basic to advanced levels through the online courses in this YouTube channel.

It is additional online learning material for Professor JavaScript YouTube channel, Part 1: Introduction.


A lot of people often confuse the differences between JavaScript and Java programming languages. Both programming languages are different completely in concept and design.

JavaScript is a high-level programming language which was invented by Brendan Eich in the year 1995. It became an ECMA standard in 1997. ECMA-262 is the official name of the standard. ECMAScript is the official name of the language. JavaScript is mostly coded on HTML files. Almost all web browsers have built-in JavaScript Engine that executes JavaScript codes on HTML files. “JavaScript” is a trademark of Oracle Corporation in the United States.

Java programming language is a high level, object-oriented, and cross platforms ( Java codes can run on many different operating system software such as Microsoft Windows, iOS, Linux, etc. ) programming language. It was invented by James Gosling at Sun Microsystem company in the year 1995. Java can be used to develop desktop software, cloud-based software, and mobile apps.

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Picture source: Java vs JavaScript: Here’s What You Need To Know

“Java is to JavaScript as ham is to hamster.”

[ Baruch Sadogursky in an interview with JAX London ]

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[ Professor JavaScript ]: Introduction
2.60 GEEK