R Programming Language is undoubtedly one of the most preferred language for Data Science. Laying your hands on these projects ensures that you are on the direction as far as whetting your Data Science skills are concerned.

Let’s do it!!


Chatbots are good beginner level Machine Learning R projects. They combine natural language processing, decision making and sentiment analysis into a model that can analyze user input, detect its tone and meaning and choose an appropriate response.

While a Chatbot may be a very common project it is perfect to start building R projects and a good gateway to more complex projects. Decision trees or Bayesian networks would be the best choices for such a project.

Symptom Diagnosing Model

Online symptom checkers or diagnosing models are yet another beginner-friendly R project that you can make. Using the dtree package of R, you can train a model based on decision trees, to diagnose the illness the user might be suffering from once the user enters the symptoms they have. The bot can ask questions to get more specific details that may help in diagnosing the patient correctly.

Data Science and R, it’s a Match

Graphical representation of live COVID-19 stats

Statistics for Corona Virus are live all over the internet on multiple sites and online news outlets. An interesting R project would be to gather these stats and to visualize them using R’s excellent graphic visualization capabilities. You show the progression of the virus’ spread in different areas.

This will also give a detailed chronology of the spread when combined with other events like important social gatherings and local festivals. This can give important insights about nature and spread of the virus.

Web Traffic Time-series Forecast

As the majority of the population is online most of the time now, web traffic is all over the place. You can use time-series forecasting to predict web traffic on different servers. This can help servers to manage their resources and improve their performance. Servers pay good money for this work. You can improve your skills, add a project to your resume and make money at the same time. Talk about multitasking!

Movie Recommendation System

The** recommenderlab package** of R is most useful to create recommendation systems. These systems recommend what movie or TV show the user should watch next based on their viewing history and also based upon the ratings and reviews provided by people who have previously watched them.

Fake News Detection

With the rise of the Corona Virus outbreak and the ensuing panic, the internet is filled with fake news and medical advice. In this case, these fake advice and news can be life-threatening for millions of people. You can use the CORD dataset to make a natural language processing bot and train it in detecting news and literature that is fake and flag it as so.

Sentiment Analysis using Social Media

With everyone in their homes, the use of social media is at an all-time high. Social media has become a source of entertainment and more often than not the primary source of communication between people. This gives rise to a prime opportunity for sentiment analysis of social media data and posts.

You can analyze the mood and thoughts of all the people online and gain insights about what online business ventures may profit in these times. What sort of content may be popular nowadays and also what is happening around the world, which will be very helpful in recognizing fake news and media cover ups.

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Twinkle twinkle little staR, have you tried these Data Science Projects with ‘R’?
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