The modern browser JavaScript APIs can help you build amazing

web apps that perform better, work offline, and provide better user experiences overall.

There is no website without data, right? it’s the most essential component

in a web application. To display data appropriately in the web app we need to retrieve, manipulate, store, and process various data. With modern browser JavaScript APIs, we can make those tasks easier.

When it comes to data we want to improve the data retrieval, storage, get better app performance, and build powerful web pages for our dear users.

In this article, I’m going to list the best data management JavaScript APIs with examples.

Fetch API

We usually use XML HTTP request API or Ajax to get data. This has a huge impact on the quality of web applications. Fetch API helps you improve the quality of your HTTP requests and really simplifies coding data requests from remote servers.

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Better Data Management With JavaScript Modern Browsers APIs
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