In this video you will learn how to make different game difficulty levels

Video games are a lot of fun. However, it can be difficult to have the right amount of fun for everyone. Some people want more challenge in their video games, while others just want a break from all the stress they’ve been facing throughout the day. In this video we’ll discuss game difficulty and how you can adjust your gaming experience with unity!

When we talk about the concept of game difficulty, we need to think about a higher concept. About the way, a player progresses through your world, following the flow which was set by the game.

It´s what makes the players fully immerse themselves in your world, to get to that state where everything around them just fades away and hours slip by like minutes. A perfect state of flow. Only achieved by perfectly balancing difficulty and skill.

About what´s called, game progression.

Naturally, we want our game to feel this way, to make each and every player completely lose themselves in the immersive and perfectly balanced game we created, I mean, I guess that´s why you´re here in the first place. Or that or you´re here to find a way to completely obliterate your player’s Dark souls style…

Which I respect, don´t worry. But even though you aren´t going to be able to please literally everyone, since that´s pretty much absolutely impossible, we can try and approach that goal as much as possible. So how would we go about doing that? Let´s start by taking a look at the player statistics.

Health, movement, vision, and whatever comes to mind with our specific game when talking about what our player can do. A simple way of upping the difficulty? Make him do no damage and die on 1 hit. There you go, legendary mode. Is it fun though? Absolutely not. This will easily take the player out of the flow and make them feel powerless, taking the whole fun out of the game, I mean, at least if that´s the only thing you are doing and you really want to scale the game with pure stats, think of a game like, well, every Bethesda title basically. Where high difficulty means being one-shot and fighting against bullet sponge enemies. Yeah, not fun. But with some community-made modifications we get an environment where yes, you die on one hit, and now, even more often, since enemies are even more precise, but they die on one hit also, resulting in an engaging experience that incentivizes strategy and planning ahead your battles.

Just by making your player die instantly and get hit more often but also making him stronger, you made a game way more difficult but still fair and fun to play, and most importantly, immersive.

Another example would be hitboxes in 2D and even 3D games. Just making a player’s hitbox bigger would, although more difficult,  just make the game seem unfair, I mean he clearly didn´t hit me how did I even die, you know?

Health, movement, vision, and whatever comes to mind with our specific game when talking about what our player can do. A simple way of upping the difficulty? Make him do no damage and die on 1 hit. There you go, legendary mode. Is it fun though? Absolutely not. This will easily take the player out of the flow and make them feel powerless, taking the whole fun out of the game, I mean, at least if that´s the only thing you are doing and you really want to scale the game with pure stats, think of a game like, well, every Bethesda title basically. Where high difficulty means being one-shot and fighting against bullet sponge enemies. Yeah, not fun. But with some community-made modifications we get an environment where yes, you die on one hit, and now, even more often, since enemies are even more precise, but they die on one hit also, resulting in an engaging experience that incentivizes strategy and planning ahead your battles.

Just by making your player die instantly and get hit more often but also making him stronger, you made a game way more difficult but still fair and fun to play, and most importantly, immersive.

Another example would be hitboxes in 2D and even 3D games. Just making a player’s hitbox bigger would, although more difficult,  just make the game seem unfair, I mean he clearly didn´t hit me how did I even die, you know?

#game-development #unity

How to Get More Fun Out of your Video Games: Game Difficulty
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