In the news this week: digital twins, processor market consolidation with implications for AI, and solutions that make it easier to deploy to any platform.

Keeping pace with news and developments in the real-time analytics market can be a daunting task. We want to help by providing a summary of some of the items our staff came across each week. Here is a short list of some news from this week:

Ansys announced it is teaming with Microsoft to advance the state of the art in engineering simulation across industries, including industrial manufacturing and automotive. Integrated with Microsoft Azure cloud, HPC, digital twin, and IoT services, Ansys’ solutions will help users to swiftly solve some of the most challenging engineering problems. Some key points to note about the partnership synergies include:

#analytics #artificial intelligence technologies #big data analysis tools #cloud #financial services #cloud-native #containers #digital twin #kubernetes

Real-time Analytics News Roundup for Week Ending October 31
1.15 GEEK