In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to build a blog with Astro, a static site generator that's quickly becoming the go-to choice for developers who want to build fast, secure, and SEO-friendly websites.

We'll start by covering the basics of Astro, including how to install it, create a new project, and write your first blog post. Then, we'll move on to more advanced topics, such as routing, pagination, and SEO.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to build a fully-functional blog with Astro. You'll also have a solid understanding of how Astro works, so you can use it to build other types of websites and applications.

Here are some of the topics that we'll cover:

  • Installing Astro
  • Creating a new project
  • Writing blog posts
  • Routing
  • Pagination
  • SEO

If you're interested in learning how to build a blog with Astro, then this course is for you. Watch it now and start building your own blog today!

🔗  Key Links 🔗
- Github lesson code:

- Demo site:

- Astro Blog Course playlist:


⏲️ Timestamps ⏲️
0:00 Lesson 1: Intro & install
10:49 Lesson 2: Astro basics
21:18 Lesson 3: Layouts
31:17 Lesson 4: CSS & styling
43:31 Lesson 5: Astro components
1:05:09 Lesson 6: Routing basics
1:15:37 Lesson 7: Markdown layouts
1:35:23 Lesson 8: Card component
1:49:38 Lesson 9: Filter/sort posts
2:04:19 Lesson 10: Dynamic routes
2:19:48 Lesson 11: Pagination
2:28:56 Lesson 12: Tag Cloud
2:39:23 Lesson 13: Related posts
2:47:16 Lesson 14: Build a sitemap
2:50:58 Lesson 15: Build an RSS feed
2:58:21 Lesson 16: SEO basics
3:13:12 Lesson 17: Integrations
3:25:02 Lesson 18: Build, deploy, and update


Learn how to build a blog with Astro in this full 3.5 hour course
1.20 GEEK