Format 1 (Format String Basic 1)

The goal of this challenge is to leverage format strings to modify arbitrary memory locations to print the winning statement.

Things to note

  • **printf(string);**: This is the vulnerable function in this code. The printf() will not check whether the supplied inputs expected format strings or not since it is coded to accept any string values. So what we can do is simply to verify if we can leak memory addresses and also write arbitrary code onto the stack ([READ] %p → [WRITE] %n).
  • **if(target) {**: The target variable is what we need to find. Then, by leveraging a Format String vulnerability, we will write the address onto the stack to print out the winning statement by specifying the right offset value.

Disassemble (GDB)

Let’s disassemble the binary to see what is doing at the ASM-level:

$ gdb -q format1
Reading symbols from /opt/protostar/bin/format1...done.
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(gdb) disassemble vuln

The program is pretty simple. One interesting thing is that mov eax,ds:0x8049638 moves the following address from the .bss (part of the .data segment) into EAX register.

Below is to dump the binary’s headers using objdump:

$ objdump -h /opt/protostar/bin/format1

23 .data         00000008  08049628  08049628  00000628  2**2
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
24 .bss          0000000c  08049630  08049630  00000630  2**2

Then, the test eax,eax creates a conditional jump by setting eflags value to ZF (=Zero Flag) if the EAX is equal to “0.” If “0,” it jumps; otherwise, it continues its execution flow.


Initial Recon

As discussed, the vulnerable function is the printf(string). When we supply a random string, it just echoes back:

However, if we supply some format string parameters, we get interesting outputs 😮:

What this is doing is basically printing out some random addresses in stack memory. But more interesting thing is if we enter enough format string parameters, we can actually find the strings that we enter on the stack.

$ ./format1 $(python -c 'print "AAAA" + "%p|" * 156') && echo

To abuse this: (1) Find an offset where we can control → (2) Write an arbitrary code we wish to execute. In this case, we will just supply an address for target variable to print the winning statement.

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[ExpDev] Exploit Exercise | Protostar | Format 1
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