
Informatica’s Enterprise Data Catalog (EDC) and Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) will simplify the process of identifying and moving data into MongoDB utilizing a discovery-driven approach to data migration and integration. Users will be able to perform impact analysis, discover data relationships, and track lineage. Users will also be able to:

  • Design data migration/integration based on discovered assets
  • Apply transformations
  • Manage end to end life cycle of data management

Workflow in InformaticaPentaho

Pentaho simplifies and speeds the process of moving data from existing RDBMS databases into MongoDB, then enables further blending and analysis with new sources of data. Pentaho Data Integration’s no code, graphical designer includes:

  • Intuitive, drag-and-drop designer to orchestrate the data migration flow
  • Rich library of pre-built components to access, prepare and blend data from relational sources, big data stores on premises or in the cloud, enterprise applications and more
  • Ability to validate data in flight
  • Integrated enterprise scheduler for coordinating workflows and debugger for testing and tuning job execution

Workflow in Pentaho

The combined tools support one-time movement of data from RDBMS into MongoDB at scale, as well as continuous data modernization, including change data capture, reconciliation, and validation procedures. We anticipate our system integrator partners, who help our customers with digital transformation and migrations to the cloud, will widely utilize these tools.

The MongoDB Modernization Scorecard

This tooling, along with MongoDB’s Modernization Scorecard, will help our customers evaluate the suitability of MongoDB for both new applications and application modernizations. The scorecard scores MongoDB and other databases against multiple criteria in each of the following categories of application requirements:

  • Data modeling
  • Query requirements
  • Performance & scalability
  • Availability & disaster recovery
  • Operational management
  • Deployment model & TCO

Customers today modernize to MongoDB by using bespoke frameworks and bulk data ingestion pipelines. This new solution provides a standard framework to move data to MongoDB and enables users to create modernization factories with substantial ROI, and at scale. This will also ensure 70:30 workloads are automated, increasing TCO savings and drastically reducing modernization project timelines.


Announcing a Modernization Toolkit to Help Customers
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