Since you’re reading this blog, no doubt you’re aware that automation is essential to delivering modern digital experiences. It enables agility at a pace that isn’t possible with human hands, reduces downtime and errors, and lets developers focus on the things that give them joy. 73% of organizations are automating network operations to boost efficiency, and perhaps nowhere is automation more prevalent than in public clouds.

At NGINX, not only do we love automation, but we also know that it’s considered a must‑have by our customers and community. Our solutions can be incorporated seamlessly into DevOps workflows using APIs and we’ve made extensive development investments in official Ansible roles and collections. In this blog we explore four ways you can automate NGINX technologies in the public cloud. We use AWS as the sample cloud, but NGINX is cloud‑agnostic, so you can apply these methods to the cloud of your choice.

#cloud #amazon web services (aws) #automation #cloud-native

Accelerate Cloud-Native Apps with Automation
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