A few months ago, I was working on a project where I was asked to make use of gRPC to fetch some data. For me, it was the first time I heard about this term gRPC.

I reached out to few folks but didn’t get much help. I Googled about gRPC implementation in Node.js but was not able to find the right source with detailed implementation.

After a lot of research and with few resources available online, at last, I was able to finish my job.

In this article, I will share the details of how you can set up gRPC server and client with Node.js.

What is gRPC?

gRPC is Google Remote Procedure Call, it’s simply a protocol to fetch or post data like REST. If you want to know more about gRPC you can read it  here.

I will not talk about the benefits of using gRPC over REST or vice-versa.

Source:  https://grpc.io/

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Building a gRPC Client and Server with Node.js
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