According to the StackOverflow 2020 programming, scripting and markup languages ranking, the front-end stack(HTML/CSS/JavaScript) is the most popular out there. It is due to the low entry threshold. It’s extremely easy nowadays to become a self-taught frontend developer with competitive salary without much effort and time. But it’s very important to know what frontend means and what role does it play in web applications.

The Web Application Structure

Most of the websites in the internet follow the same structure. This structure includes backend and frontend.

Frontend is responsible for the visual and interactive part of the website. This is what the users see on the website(some text, input fields and buttons).

Backend is responsible for storing user data on the server and giving it to the client side(the same as frontend).

Frontend and backend communicate through the API(Application Programming Interface). Frontend requests the data from the server(the same as backend) and shows it to the user and sends some data back on user input, repeat.

Learning Plan

Ok, now you’ve completely decided to become a frontend, and wondering what to learn and in what order. To begin with, you need to learn HTML.

#web-development #javascript #html #node #react

How to Become a Frontend Developer From Scratch
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