AngularJS to Angular migration is a process of transition from the old framework, which is already limping on one leg. Let’s discuss options with migration.


It would seem that this is the easiest way to solve the problem—by avoiding it. But this is the wrong way. By avoiding the problem, we only postpone its solution. And over time, the problem will not go away on its own and will just hang over you and put pressure on you. But in my opinion, it is easier to get rid of such a burden immediately.

There is one safe way to do this—to get acquainted with all the possible difficulties that may befall you and prepare well to meet them.

This rule works everywhere, of course, it also works in programming, and in particular when in  angular development or migrating from AngularJS to Angular. I will introduce you to the main problems that await you on this long-term path (for some lucky folks, it’s short-term) and give examples of how to solve them.

What Is Migration?

But first, you will find brief information about the migration itself, of course. AngularJS to Angular migration is a process of transition from the old framework, which is already limping on one leg, and on which updates are no longer released to the modern and popular framework. Different migration paths differ in the size of applications, the pace of migration, opportunities for simultaneous work of both frameworks, and so on.

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Problems with angular Migration
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