Apart from other helpful features we’ve described over the EAP period, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 contains some useful updates for Kubernetes and Docker. You can test them now by getting the latest build from our website, the free Toolbox App, or snaps for Ubuntu.

The following feature overview will help you browse through numerous changes.

Docker Compose

Services synchronization

Previously your IDE displayed only running services in the Services tool window. Starting with this EAP, you can make all of your Docker Compose applications appear there, even if they are not running. To display them, you can click the cycle arrows icon right in the editor window.


Support for alias in Helm chart dependencies

In Helm, charts can depend on other charts. The dependencies section allows you to manage chart dependencies. This section is located in Chart.yaml (api v2) or in requirements.yaml (api v1). Apart from the default nameversion, and repository fields, each required entry can contain the alias field, which we’ve added support for in v2021.2.

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Docker and Kubernetes Updates in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2
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