Nuxt js Tutorial is the topic, we will discuss today. Nuxt.js is the framework for creating Universal Vue js Applications. The nuxt’s primary scope is UI rendering while abstracting away the client-server distribution. Remember, Nuxt js is not a server-side framework like Laravel or Express. It merely pre-renders the HTML page on the server and then serves to the client. Nuxt.js bundle all the shapes together for us to make elegant server-side rendered Vue js application. Nuxt.js comes with many features to help us in our development between the client side and server side such as an asynchronous data, middleware, layouts, etc. Nuxt js includes the following different components and libraries to create a vibrant and robust web application development:

  • Vue 2
  • Vue Router
  • Vuex (included only when using the store option)
  • Vue Server Renderer (excluded when using mode: 'spa')
  • vue-meta

#nuxt js #vue js #html #vue router #vue-meta

Nuxt js Tutorial For Beginners 2018
1.70 GEEK