Python library is a collection of functions and methods that allows us to perform many actions without writing our code. Each library in Python contains a huge number of useful modules that we can import for our every day programming.

A Python library is a reusable chunk of code that you may want to include in your programs/ projects. Compared to languages like C++ or C, a Python libraries do not pertain to any specific context in Python. Here, a ‘library’ loosely describes a collection of core modules. Essentially, then, a library is a collection of modules.

Some of the most useful python libraries are as follows:

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  1. NumPy
  2. SciPy
  3. Pandas
  4. SciKit-Learn
  5. Mathplotlib
  6. TensorFlow
  7. PyTorch

#python #programming #package #libraries

Python Libraries(NumPy,SciPy,Pandas,SciKit-Learn,Mathplotlib,TensorFlow..)
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