My favorite free and best online courses to learn cutting edges Java Microservice frameworks like DropWizard, MicroNaut, Vert.x, and Quarkus from Udemy, Pluralsight, and Youtube.

If you are creating Microservices in Java and want to explore frameworks like DropWizard, MicroNaut, Vert.x, and Quarkus then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Microsercies courses with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and today, I will share the best online courses to learn Dropwizard and Micronauts.

Online services are now dominating the world and we can not imagine living without using them such as social media as well as shopping but creating this kind of service is so complex and complicated and this is why the developer build a model called microservices architecture.

Microservices is the buzzword today and basically creating your software in a single unit rather than developing the whole service in one big application which will be so difficult to edit later and other disadvantages so they separate them into these small units and they connect with each other using APIs.

10 Best Online Courses to learn DropWizard, Vert.x, MicroNaut, and Quarkus in 2021

1.  Getting started with Dropwizard

2.  Learn Micronaut — cloud-native microservices with Java

3.  Quarkus Backend development with Java and GraalVM

4.  Learn Vert.x — Reactive microservices with Java

5.  The Complete Microservices With Java

6.  Quarkus: Fundamentals By Antonio Goncalves [Pluralsight]

7.  Introduction to Micronaut [Free Course]

8.  Introduction to Micronaut Lightweight Microservices [FREE]

9.  Quarkus: Supersonic, subatomic Java [Free Tutorial]

10.  2021 Quarkus Fundamentals — Guide to Get Started in 1 Hour

#cloud-computing #quarkus #java #microservices

10 Best & Free DropWizard, Vert.x, MicroNaut, and Quarkus Online Courses for JavaDevelopes
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