Have you ever wanted to create a live call-in show on Twitch or YouTube? Watch this video!

Sign up for a free Twilio API key: https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio?utm_source=morioh.com

All links mentioned in the video can be found in the Related Links section of this description (this includes the blog post and the code!).

Have you ever had a question in your Twitch chat that would be easiest to answer if you could just talk to the viewer? If they could call you up on stream, you could talk them through the problem and ask more questions without the stream delay and awkward waiting. Well, in this video I’m going to show you how easy this is to set up for your stream using Twilio, OBS, and Node.js.

By the end of the video, you’ll know how to get this set up for your own stream. The next time someone wants you to walk them through something, just have them call you up!

Thanks for watching!


  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:41 Prerequisites
  • 0:57 How the app works
  • 2:10 Gathering credentials for the app
  • 2:43 Creating the project files
  • 3:26 Setting up the application routes and WebSockets
  • 3:55 HTML for the overlay and admin pages
  • 4:18 Adding Twilio access tokens to the app
  • 5:44 Using the Twilio Voice SDK
  • 6:25 Hooking up the admin panel
  • 7:58 Setting up a Twilio phone number for testing
  • 8:47 Initial test in the browser
  • 9:12 Adding the overlay to OBS
  • 10:11 Testing on stream!


📄 Check out the blog post for this video: https://www.twilio.com/blog/taking-phone-calls-on-twitch?utm_source=morioh.com
📄 How to set environment variables https://www.twilio.com/blog/2017/01/how-to-set-environment-variables.html?utm_source=morioh.com
👩‍💻 Get the code from GitHub: https://github.com/nokenwa/twitch-phone-calls

#developer #twilio

Take Live Phone Calls on Your Twitch Or YouTube Stream!
2.40 GEEK