From Instagram filters to self-driving cars, Computer Vision technologies are now deeply integrated into the lifestyle of many people. One important Computer Vision application is the ability to have a computer detects objects in images. Among those objects, the human face receives the most attention since it has many useful applications in security and entertainments. Hence, this article focuses on a popular face detection framework called the Viola-Jones Object Detection Framework.

The aim here is to provide you with the understanding of the framework so that you can confidently use an open source implementation like the one provided by OpenCV. I want to help you understand what is going on under the hood and hopefully make you appreciate libraries like OpenCV more for handling all the complexities for you. If you want a “from-scratch” implementation, you can refer to this Python implementation by Anmol Parande. I also recommend you to check out this video by Ramsri on this topic.

#viola-jones #machine-learning #opencv #facedetection #computer-vision

Understanding Face Detection with the Viola-Jones Object Detection Framework
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