Climate change and human factors affect many animals in the world today. Numerous animal species are on the brink of extinction because their habitat faces these challenges. Polar bears are one of the species which are under the scrutiny of scientists as it may disappear because of global warming, hunting, and other human influences. Nevertheless, there are methods and techniques that may save these species from extinction. Modern scientists and politicians may help polar bears survive and thus receive both economic and non-economic advantages.
To begin with, in my opinion, such kind of animals as polar bears might disappear in the nearest future for several reasons. First of all, white bears are exposed to extinction due to climate change. It is a well-known fact that they hunt on fish from the banks of the ice floes. Due to global warming, the bears are unable to hunt and are starving (Palmer para. 6). Moreover, they are susceptible to the human factor, too. The action of mining workers has a negative impact on the lives of polar bears. They pollute the environment and urge the animals leave their territories. It is no less important that polar bears are vulnerable to attacks by hunters. Despite the fact that hunting is limited, poachers have greatly reduced the population. Thereby, there are at least three reasons in order to assume that the polar bears are on the verge of extinction.
In the second place, there is an opinion that the polar bears are not valuable for humanity and the United States of America; nonetheless, it is erroneous. Firstly, they perform a number of useful economic functions. Viewing polar bears in the wild and in zoos brings quite a lot of money to the state (Olar et al ch. 2). In addition, some companies pay relatively high interest rates in order to use the image of a polar bear on their logo and packaging. Secondly, there are also socio-cultural functions that polar bears perform. They are useful for science and have the existence value. They help people to obtain knowledge about the environment being a part of the culture and art of many nations. Summarizing these facts, polar bears have a value for the humanity and America in particular because of economic, social, and cultural reasons.
Furthermore, it should be noted that it is vital and necessary to protect the polar bears as their defense is a positive contribution to the environmental protection. As Carrington states, “The number of wild animals on Earth has halved in the past 40 years, according to a new analysis” (para. 1). This shows that polar bears may appear on the list of extinct animals in future; thus, it is important that humanity protects them. Thus, people will save their cultural heritage as well. It is worth noting that the protection of polar bears is directly related to the care of the environment. It is necessary to monitor climate change and pollution of air and water in order to save them. Hereby, protecting polar bears, humanity protects the planet as well.
In addition, it is possible to save polar bears from extinction through such actions as informing people about the issue and direct support. First of all, it is necessary to create large information campaigns to inform people about the extinction of polar bears. Companies that use a polar bear for advertising campaigns could help in this. Secondly, scientists and volunteers may help polar bears in their survival directly. They may ensure that the latter are not hungry and heal sick animals. Moreover, their studies may help to understand how to stop global warming in order to preserve their natural habitat. In this way, it is possible to save the polar bears through the joint efforts of the whole society.
There are feasible ways to help the polar bears currently. In the first place, it is necessary to inform people that the animals are dying out. Most of individuals do not have such information but they may help through voluntary organizations and donations to researchers that deal with this issue. Moreover, it is vital to reduce the number of mining companies in the habitat of polar bears. This may allow to save the climate and the purity of environment. Additionally, the state may sponsor scientific campaigns and expeditions which study human impact on the population of polar bears. This may help to eradicate illegal hunting for them and starvation among the animals.
Last but not least, if humanity saves the polar bears from extinction, this will help to get both economic and noneconomic benefits that may recoup all expenses. First of all, people will continue to pay money in order to see alive polar bears. It may bring a huge annual revenue to the state. In addition, the companies will continue paying interest for using the image in their advertising campaigns. In the second place, there are also non-economic consequences which, in my opinion, are much more precious. Helping polar bears, mankind will be able to save environment and purity of the planet where it lives. Moreover, a huge cultural layer will be saved as well. Lastly, the scientific community will be able to continue studying polar bears to learn more about them. Thereby, there are quite a lot of substantiated reasons to invest in the protection of polar bears.
In conclusion, the polar bears are at risk because they are on the brink of extinction. The global warming, development of the mining industry, and hunting are the main factors that threaten these animals. Nevertheless, it is necessary to help scientists save the polar bears because they bring both state and humanity economic, social, and cultural benefits. Currently, there are ways to change the living conditions of these animals for the better.

By Nina Wong by

A World Melting Away
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