“Why learn JavaScript?” I asked my sister when she was in college and starting to pick up the fundamentals of JavaScript. “Isn’t it ancient? Do people still use it?”

I was surprised to learn that JavaScript was the most used programming language in 2020, but I shouldn’t have been – it’s held that spot for the past eight years, according to  StackOverflow’s developer survey. It’s a really  popular language for mobile apps and web development especially. You’re looking at a website built with JavaScript right now.

As the no-code movement gains a foothold, beginner programmers might wonder why they learn JavaScript at all, given there are endless numbers of JavaScript frameworks providing ready-to-use code, and many websites and apps can be built entirely free of code.

To those naysayers, I will only say that it’s always worth understanding how something works before you start taking shortcuts. And JavaScript, of all the languages I frequently write about, is one of the languages most likely to outlive any fads. It’s used by 94.5% of all websites, and the world wide web isn’t going anywhere. When I asked her “Why learn JavaScript?” I didn’t know the extent of its influence.

Now, a bit wiser, I know there are several good answers to why beginner programmers especially should learn JavaScript. They revolve around how easy it is to get started – and to keep going, crucially; how learning JavaScript can help your programming career flourish; and the practical advantages of JavaScript over other languages.

Let’s get into six reasons why you, a beginner programmer, should learn JavaScript.

1. You’ll be a popular hire in whatever you want to do.

2. It makes you a versatile programmer.

3. It comes pre-installed in your browser.

4. There are a lot of shortcuts, when you’re ready to take them.

5. You’ll find a way to learn.

6. JavaScript can make you a renaissance programmer

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Why Learn JavaScript? Six Reasons for Beginner Programmers
1.30 GEEK