React is one of the fastest web development frameworks. Watch this video to learn how its performance compares to other Angular and Vue.
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Why is React performance better than other frameworks?
Generally, there are several reasons for that, and let’s review each one of them.

1- Virtual DOM
It is a virtual representation of the Document Object Model. React synchronizes it with the actual DOM.

The main purpose of the virtual DOM is to optimize the update process.
So, why does it make React fast? The reason is the amount of changed information. Rather than wasting time on updating the entire page, you can divide it into small elements and interactions.

2 - Comfortable Way of Reusing Components
React has self-contained components that can be easily integrated and reused, to save development time. For projects like enterprise platforms, it becomes vitally important. The end performance, obviously, becomes better as well.

3 - Fast UI Frameworks and Libraries
Businesses use React to build a simple and interactive user experience. Why so? Because a minimalist UI definitely increases the speed of React-based sites.

#angular #react #vue

Is React Fast? | angular Vs React Vs Vue Performance
1.20 GEEK