A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux


NOTE It seems that SoundCloud has revoked my api client keys without any explanation or warning. Running the app locally no longer works unless you have a working SoundCloud API client id (SoundCloud has disabled registration of new apps for quite some time now). The live demo is also not working at the moment.

In an effort to learn es6 and redux, this is SoundRedux, a simple Soundcloud client

See it in action at https://soundredux.io

Uses normalizr

  1. npm install
  2. npm run start
  3. visit http://localhost:8080

Feedback, issues, etc. are more than welcome!

Download Details:

Author: andrewngu

Live Demo: https://soundredux.io/#/

GitHub: https://github.com/andrewngu/sound-redux

#reactjs #javascript #redux #react

A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux
10.90 GEEK