What Is Open Biopipeline
Open Biopipeline is an open source bioinformatics tool for general and broad purposes, specifically the goal of this project is to develop a tool for researchers or students to use in order to investigate genes. This tool combines several popular existing bioinformatic tools, such as BLAST, KEGG, GO, and Protein Atlas, by consolidating them into one singular location. By using this tool you are able to retrieve: function gene annotation, protein function, clinical relevance, specific patient case information, and much more. The aim of this article is to guide you through some of the specific functions that Open Biopipeline has to offer as well as explain the demand and need for such a product.
The motivation of this project is: to help researchers conduct very easy gene analysis, help students better understand the process of building pipelines, and consolidate several tools into one.

#gene #medicine #bioinformatics #pipeline #python

Open Biopipeline
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