A classical data table component in VueJS and Bootstrap 4

Vue-table component

Vue-table is a data table component that allows the developer a high degree of customization, it takes care of complex tasks and gives the developer control over how the data is displayed. This component works with the Laravel framework pagination response.

Vue Table


  • Pagination
  • Go to specific page
  • Option for records by page
  • Search input
  • Multilingual support
  • Responsive


npm i @barbosa89/vue-table


The component styles are based on the Bootstrap 4 classes, so your project must work with that CSS framework. Vue-table is structured in three rows (.row), so you must nest the component inside a Bootstrap container (.container/.container-fluid).

How it works

Vue-table does not display the data sent by the server directly, this passes each record to a slot, the developer uses the slot to determine the way the data is displayed.


The component can be configured with four props:

  • headers: It is an array that contains objects with two properties, description and field, the description property is required and represents a table column header; the field is optional, it is used as a data sort column.
  • url: The endpoint from which Axios will request data.
  • lang (en/es): The language to use, by default is English, English and Spanish are supported.
  • locales: It is an object of translations.


    <div class="container">
        <h1 class="text-center my-4">Vue Table component</h1>
        <vue-table :headers="headers" :url="url">
            <template v-slot:record="{ record }">
                    <a href="#">
                        {{ record.id }}
                    <a href="#">
                        {{ record.first_name }}
                    <a href="#">
                        {{ record.last_name }}
                    {{ record.email }}

    import VueTable from 'VueTable'

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                headers: [
                        description: 'Id',
                        field: 'id', # Sortable column
                        description: 'Name',
                        field: 'name', # Sortable column
                        description: 'Last',
                        field: 'last', # Sortable column
                        description: 'Email' # No sortable column
                url: 'https://myserver.app/api/users?page=1',

                // Optional, You will need to pass the props
                lang: 'en',
                locales: {
                        display: 'Records per page',
                        search: 'Search',
                        record: 'Record',
                        of: 'of',
                        total: 'Total'
                        display: 'Registros por página',
                        search: 'Buscar',
                        record: 'Registro',
                        of: 'de',
                        total: 'Total'
        components: {


With packages like vue-i18n, you can automate multiple languages:

lang: document.documentElement.lang,
locales: {
        display: $t('display'),
        search: $t('search'),
        record: $t('record'),
        of: $t('of'),
        total: $t('total')
        display: $t('display'),
        search: $t('search'),
        record: $t('record'),
        of: $t('of'),
        total: $t('total')

Server side with Laravel

Vue-table sends Laravel a series of parameters namely:

  • page
  • per_page
  • query_by: The search param
  • ordered_desc/ordered_asc

URL example:


In an example of implementation in Laravel 7:

public function index()
    $posts = Post::query();

    foreach(request()->toArray() as $filter => $value) {
        $filter = Str::camel($filter);

        if($posts->hasNamedScope($filter)) {

    return $posts->paginate(request->get('per_page', 15));

You need to create three scopes corresponding to each parameter, excluding per_page and page, which are passed to Laravel directly:

// Eloquent model

public function scopeQueryBy($query, $value)
    return $query->Where('name', 'like', '%' . $value . '%');

public function scopeOrderedDesc($query, $value)
    return $query->orderBy($value, 'DESC');

public function scopeOrderedAsc($query, $value)
    return $query->orderBy($value, 'ASC');


npm install -g @vue/cli

# OR

yarn global add @vue/cli

You will need an add-on service for Vue CLI

npm install -g @vue/cli-service-global

Run local server

npm run dev

Run production mode

npm run build

Next steps

  • Custom user params
  • Create a data table package for infinite loading

Download Details:

Author: barbosa89

Source Code: https://github.com/barbosa89/vue-table

#vuejs #vue #javascript #vue-js

A classical data table component in VueJS and Bootstrap 4
7.15 GEEK