SwiftUI was introduced in iOS 13 at a time when many of us have a big app built with UIKit. SwiftUI makes us enthusiastic to get started with this new framework for building apps, just like when Swift was first introduced.

When Swift was introduced we had to migrate from Objective-C to Swift. Many apps are probably still using (partly) Objective-C, as that transition can take quite some time. It’s good to know how to start the transition to make this process as short as possible. iOS 14 is getting close and you might consider dropping iOS 12 later this year, allowing you to write new views in SwiftUI. So, here’s an article explaining how you can use SwiftUI within a UIKit application.

Adding SwiftUI views in a UIKit application early on will make your future self a lot happier!

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Integrating SwiftUI With UIKit Apps for Early Adoption
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