Augmented Analytics is bringing a new dawn to Business Intelligence

We live in the Data Era. Not just data, but Big Data. Datasets have become complex, fastmoving, and increasingly huge. Legacy BI systems that handled data cannot fathom the volumed data coming at live speed.

The automation of data management tells a different tale. Not only does it automate data management but simplifies the task of data scientists.

Coined by Gartner, augmented analytics is the future of data analytics that harnesses disruptive technologies like machine learning/ artificial intelligence techniques to automate data preparation, insight discovery and intelligence sharing.

The Future of Data Analytics

Data analytics software that integrates augmented analytics interacts with data as humans would do but on a large scale to cater to the big data needs. The analysis process often starts with public or private data collection.

Legacy data pipelines were created by data scientists, who spent 80% of their time on collection and data preparation, and just the remaining 20% on finding insights. The goal of augmented analytics automates the processes of data collection and data preparation to save 80% of data scientist’s time. However, ultimately augmented analytics would completely replace the manual work of the data science teams with AI. Augmented Analytics would take care of the entire analysis process from data collection to presenting business recommendations for decision-makers.

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Why is Augmented Analytics the Future of Data Management?
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