Since the healthcare topic is quite popular now, I decided to share with you our exciting experience in developing a web application for patients. It was a large and severe project which IntexSoft’s (the company I work in) team was working on for several years.

I have to omit all names and some details for certain reasons: the screenshots in the article also serve a demonstration purpose only - the real application looks a little different, but I hope you will still enjoy this article.


The client urgently needed to extend the team to develop the application. And since we already had a positive experience of cooperation, they turned to us.

The product itself is a large-scale, multifunctional web application that allows you to quickly find a doctor of any specialization, make an appointment, or receive an online consultation.

Our team worked only on a part of the functionality, and particularly these features we will discuss in this article.

#healthcare-apps #mobile app

What Lessons We Learn From Creating Healthcare Web App
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