If there are top ten buzzwords in the technology industry in the year 2019, the container is sure to be one of them. With the popularity of Docker, more and more scenarios are using Docker in the front-end field. This article shows how do we use Docker in the visualization interface of Nebula Graph, a distributed open-source graph database.

Why Using Docker

Docker is widely used in daily front-end development. Nebula Graph Studio (A visualization tool for Nebula Graph) uses Docker based on the following considerations:

  • Unified operating environment: There are several services behind our tools, such as existing services from different technology stacks, and pure front-end static resources.
  • Low user cost: Currently, cloud services are under development. We want a smooth experience of the combined services, and Docker makes this possible with the ability to start and applying all the services locally just in one step.
  • Quick deployment: This front-end project is inspired by the Nebula Graph Docker Image.

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How to Reduce Docker Image Size
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