C onvolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are one of the most important neural network algorithms in the present scenario. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon have been thoroughly using this neural network to perform and achieve a number of image-related tasks.

The  applications of CNNs mostly includes the field of computer vision for image recognition, object detection, among others, This neural network is also being used for video inputs, speech recognition, sentence modelling, etc. in NLP models and more.

Below, we have curated a list of 10 best free online resources, in no particular order, to learn  Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

Convolutional Neural Networks

About: This course is a part of the Deep Learning Specialisation at Coursera. Here, you will learn how to build  convolutional neural networks and apply them to image data. You will understand how to build a CNN model, understand the recent variations, know how to apply  convolutional networks to visual detection as well as recognition tasks and more.

Know more here.

Introducing Convolutional Neural Networks

**About: **This tutorial is curated by the developers at Google. This tutorial, encompasses a brief introduction on  convolution neural networks (CNNs), how it works, including hands-on training. You will learn topics like ReLU, pooling, fully connected layers and more.

Know more here.

Convolution Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

**About: **This is a free course where you will learn about  convolution neural networks and how they can be used in visual recognition. The tutorial starts with an architecture overview and then moves into ConvNet layers such as normalisation layer, fully connected layer, etc. including its architectures, such as layer patterns, computational considerations and more.

Know more here.

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10 Free Online Resources To Learn Convolutional Neural Networks
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