Make best vertical and horizontal e-commerce cards

So cards are one of the most important components of websites that must be included because using cards you can show data in the way you like it.

You have all code in my Github repository which link I gave in the last of this article.

So without any further due let get started.

Today we will create 2 different types of beautiful eCommerce cards that you can include in your eCommerce project.

One card is vertical and the other is horizontal.

1.Product cards(Vertical):

This type of card can be used in eCommerce websites, usually, you see them showing products and their descriptions.

So let make one!!!

Let start with the vertical one, our card should look like this:

Hope you like the design so let get started,(I will provide you GitHub link to all card designs)

And know how to code it.

#html #ecommerce #design #css3

Make beautiful eCommerce card
1.15 GEEK