Oracle visited my campus for Server Technology Role recently. Selection process involved total of 4 rounds. 1 Written + 3 Interview Rounds.

Written Round:

Written round was an online MCQ round for 107 minutes. Exam was mainly divided into 5 sections:

• Aptitude

• Computer Science Knowledge

• Coding skills

• Language

Each section had a different time limit. Each section was further divided into many subsections and those subsections could be attempted in any order. The time limit of each such subsection summed up to decide the time limit for the section.

Aptitude section contained questions from arithmetic’s, logical & verbal reasoning.

Computer Science Knowledge section had some questions from OS(intermediate level), DBMS(intermediate to advanced level) and OOD.

Coding skills section contained a subsection of code snippets in which we had to predict the output or choose the right code snippet which shall go into the blank space given in questions and sub-section of flow-chart where a problem was defined first in words then through a flow chart. Some boxes of flowchart were blank and we had to choose the right option which would go into blank boxes.

Language sections had questions like unseen passages, arranging sentences in the right order, pointing out the errors in given sentences and few questions on antonyms & synonyms.

This round required a sharp presence of mind and fast speed because each section was timed and questions were more in number hence you need to solve them as fast as we can.

Interview Round 1:

This was more of a theoretical and OOPS based round. Interviewer started with my introduction. Then he quickly moved on to oops:

• What are some features of C++ you like(I had mentioned C++ in my resume)?

I told him about object-oriented programming, program reusability, Encapsulation, Abstraction and Polymorphism. He was satisfied and asked me to stop there.

• How many types of polymorphism are there?

I explained static and dynamic polymorphism.

• What is abstract class? How is it made? What is the purpose of abstract classes?

I enunciated all of it with an example of area class being inherited by rectangle and triangle class. I also explained about virtual keyword and pure virtual functions.

• What is interface? How it is different from abstract class?

• If we define a function with the same name and same number of parameters in derived class as in base class(function is a virtual function in base class) but we change the type of parameter, will it still be method overriding?

#interview experiences #marketing #on-campus #oracle

Oracle Interview Experience for Server technology | On-Campus 2020
1.20 GEEK