I owe my passion for coding to a very dear friend of mine, who inspired me to excel in learning so much on computer during my youth. Under his tutelage, my knowledge about computer expands beyond computer gaming.

It is unfortunate he passed away in his mid-20s, believed to have taken his own life, felling off from a multistories apartment.

I still remember vividly on his 21st birthday at his house, his dad sarcastically wishes him a happy birthday in front of his friends, saying “Now you have grown up, you can play computer games more fiercely”.

In his teens’ age, other than sleeping and schooling, he will be in front of his Intel 286 computer monitor, fingers on the keyboard, and mouse. Computer gaming, hacking, coding, whatever one can do with the machine.

A cheerful youth he was became a socially isolated individual with just the computer as his closest companion. His ability to interact with others become awkward during his later years.

Sad that he is now gone. He has missed out so much in life other than being with computer. I felt guilty, not able to advise him about life is not just playing with the computer. I was equally naive back then.

Now actively blogging on software development, I owe this community telling there are more things in life other than coding…

Connecting with community and socially active

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Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

We are a social creature. This is just natural to most people.

For those who engrossed in computing activities, sitting in front of a computer for hours becomes part of our life. Deattaching from it is difficult. A conscious effort to do other things is required.

#programming #self-improvement #humanity #personal-development #coding #c++

Don’t Just Code, But Also C…
1.15 GEEK