Today I am going to talk about new features in Typescript 4.0.

TypeScript 4.0 comes with lots of new features to make JavaScript development easier.

Labeled Tuple Elements

You can label tuple elements.

You can write:

type Range = [start: number, end: number];

to restrict args to have a string and a number.

you can also write:

type Foo = [first: number, second?: string, any[]];

to have rest entries in your tuple.

If your tuple has type Foo, then the tuple starts with a number and a string.

Then the rest of the entries can be anything.

Labels don’t require you to name your variables differently when destructuring.

For example, if you have:

function foo(x: [first: string, second: number]) {
  const [a, b] = x;

then you can name the destructured variables anything you want.

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What’s New In Typescript 4.0?
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