1. Introduction

The introduction should answer the questions “why has this work been done”, “what exactly do you want to prove” and “how has it been done”.

Regarding the first question, describe the interest in the scientific context of the moment, the previous work that has been done on the subject and what aspects are not clear.

Regarding the second question, we have to clearly summarize the objective(s) of the work.

Regarding the third question, we have to detail the methodology used, the most important sources, their arrangement, etc.

  1. Discussion

This section is the heart of the manuscript and the most complex to elaborate and organize. The following recommendations can be followed:

  1. Begin the discussion with the answers to the question in the introduction, followed by the arguments and evidence that attempt to fulfill the stated objectives.

  2. Bring out and comment clearly on the possible weak points of our argumentation; anticipate possible criticisms.

  3. Speculate and theorize with clarity, imagination and good logic.

  4. Avoid drawing more conclusions than the results allow, even if those conclusions are less spectacular than expected or desired.

  1. Conclusion

This section should be the simplest to write, and should be written as clearly and simply as possible. What is essential is that the conclusion or conclusions respond exactly to the objectives, no more and no less, and that they are adequately supported by the arguments of the discussion. Otherwise, no arguments are made in the conclusions.

Other aspects to take into account:

  1. The title should be short, concise and clear. It is advisable that it be my paper writer after writing the core of the manuscript.

  2. The abstract should give an overview of the paper as a whole. It should be comprehensive (briefly report all sections of the paper, including academic essay editing and results). The most frequent errors in the abstract are: not clearly stating the question, being too long, being too detailed.

  3. The key words should be from 3 to 10.

  4. The bibliography should be cited according to the standards required by the chosen journal.

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How to write a philosophy article
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