Swift 5.3, which has recently become available with Xcode 12, includes a number of significant new features at the syntax level, including support for multi-pattern catch clauses, increased availability for implicit self, and more. Additionally, the Swift team has worked on improving runtime performance, especially when using SwiftUI, and developer experience.

Swift 5.3 makes error handling with do try/catch more convenient by allowing to specify more patterns with a single [catch](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0276-multi-pattern-catch-clauses.md) clause. For example, you can now write:

do {
  try performTask()
} catch TaskError.someRecoverableError {
} catch TaskError.someFailure(let msg),
        TaskError.anotherFailure(let msg) {

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Swift 5.3 Brings New Language Features, Better Developer Experience.
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