
Java is a type-safe programming language. Type safety ensures a layer of validity and robustness in a programming language. It is a key part of Java’s security to ensure that operations done on an object are only performed if the type of the object supports it.

Type safety dramatically reduces the number of programming errors that might occur during runtime, involving all kinds of errors linked to type mismatches. Instead, these types of errors are caught during compile-time which is much better than catching errors during runtime, allowing developers to have less unexpected and unplanned trips to the good old debugger.

Type safety is also interchangeably called strong typing.

Java Generics is a solution designed to reinforce the type safety that Java was designed to have. Generics allow types to be parameterized onto methods and classes and introduces a new layer of abstraction for formal parameters. This will be explained in detail later on.

There are many advantages of using generics in Java. Implementing generics into your code can greatly improve its overall quality by preventing unprecedented runtime errors involving data types and typecasting.

This guide will demonstrate the declaration, implementation, use-cases, and benefits of generics in Java.

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Guide to Understanding Generics in Java
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