Hi! Today I will be showing you how you can deploy projects in the Julia Programming Language on Heroku, a cloud application platform. In this example, I’ll be deploying a Dashboards.jl file to demonstrate.Everything from this blog is from my GitHub repository and the final product is here. Please check them out afterwards for an example :)Before we get started, you will need the following: your Dashboard files, a Heroku account, an installation of Julia, as well as the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) installed. For this example, I will be using a Dashboards files from here.Now, you can create a new folder to store all of the files required to deploy your application. Here, I will be using the folder juliadash as an example directory. After that, type julia to enter Julia.

mkdir juliadash
cd juliadash

#programming #web-development #julia #heroku #developer

How to Deploy Julia Projects on Heroku
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