Comma-separated text files (CSV) are the most fundamental format for data processing. All programming languages and software that support working with relational data, also provide some level of CSV handling. You can persist and process data without installing a database management system. Often you don’t need a full-blown DBMS with all its features, like handling transactions and concurrent/remote access, indexing, etc… The lightweight CSV format allows for easy processing and sharing of the captured information.

The CSV format predates personal computers and has been one of the most common data exchange formats for almost 50 years. CSV files will remain with us in the future. Working with this format efficiently is a core requirement of a productive developer, data engineer/scientist, DevOps person, etc… You may need to filter rows, sort by a column, select existing or derive new columns. Perhaps you need to do complex analysis that requires aggregation and grouping.

This article provides a glimpse into the available tools to work with CSV files and describes how kdb+ and its query language q raise CSV processing to a new level of performance and simplicity.

Common CSV tools

Linux command-line tools

Many CSV processing need to be done in a Linux or Mac environment that has a powerful terminal console with some kind of shells on it. Most shells, like Bash, support arrays. You can read a CSV line-by-line and store all fields in an array variable. You can use built-in string manipulation and integer calculations (even float calculations with e.g bc -l) to operate on cell values. The code will be lengthy and hard to maintain.

General text processing tools like [awk]( and [sed]( scripts may result in shorter and simpler code. Commands like [cut]([sort]([uniq]( and [paste]( further simplify CSV processing. You can specify the separator and refer to fields by positions.

The world is constantly changing. So do CSV files. Position-based reference breaks if a new column is added ahead of the referred column or columns are shuffled e.g. to move related columns next to each other. The problem manifests silently: your scripts may run smoothly, but you just use a different column in your calculation! If you don’t have a regression-testing framework to safeguard your codebase, then the end-user (or your competitor) might discover the problem. This can be embarrassing.

Position-based reference creates fragile code. Processing CSV by these Linux commands is great for prototyping and for quick analysis but you hit the limits once your codebase starts increasing or you share scripts with other colleagues. No wonder that in SQL the position-based column reference is limited and discouraged.

The huge advantage of Linux command-line tools is that no installation is required. Your shell script will likely run on other’s Linux systems. Familiarity with tools readily available in Linux is useful, but they should often be avoided for complex, long-lived, tasks.


Many open-source libraries offer CSV support. The Python library CSVKit is one of the most popular. It offers a more robust solution than native Linux commands, such as allowing reference of columns by name. The column names are stored in the first row of the CSV. Reference by name is sensitive to column renaming but this probably happens less frequently than adding or moving columns.

Also, CSVKit handles the first rows better than the general-purpose text tools do. Linux command sort treats the first row as any other row and can place it in the middle of the output. Similarly, cat includes the first rows when you concatenate multiple CSV files. Commands csvsort and csvstack handle first rows properly.

Finally, the CSVKit developers took special care to provide consistent command-line parameters, e.g. separator is defined by -d. In contrast, you need to remember that the separator is specified by -t for [sort]( and -d for the other Linux commands, [cut]([paste](

CSVKit includes the simply-named utilities, [csvcut]([csvgrep]( and [csvsort](, which replace the traditional Linux commands cutgrep and sort. Nonetheless, the merit of the Linux commands is their speed.

You probably use Linux commands [head]([tail]([less]([more]( and [cat]( to take a quick look at the content of a text file. Unfortunately, the output of these tools is not appealing for CSV files. The columns are not aligned and you will spend a lot of time squinting a monochrome screen figuring out to which column a given cell belongs. You might give up and import the data into Excel or Google Sheet. However, if the file is on a remote machine you first need to SCP it to your desktop. You can save time and work in the console by using [csvlook]( Command csvlook nicely aligns column under the column name. To execute the command below, download arms dealership data and convert it to data.csv as CSVKit tutorial describes.

$ csvlook --max-rows 20 data.csv

Don’t worry if your console is narrow: pipe the output to less -S and use arrow keys to move left and right.

Another useful extension included in CSVKit is the command [csvstat]( It analyzes the file contents and displays statistics like the number of distinct values of all columns. Also, it tries to infer types. If the column type is a number then it also returns maximum, minimum, mean, median, and standard deviation of the values.

To perform aggregations, filtering and grouping, you can use the CSVKit command [csvsql]( that lets you run ANSI SQL commands on CSV files.


Some CSVKit commands are slow because they load the entire file into the memory and create an in-memory database. Rust developers reimplemented several traditional tools like catlsgrep and find and tools like [bat]([exa]([ripgrep]( and [fd]( were born. No wonder they also created a performant tool for CSV processing, library [xsv](

The Rust library also supports selecting columns, filtering, sorting and joining CSV files. An index can be added to CSV files that are frequently processed to speed up operations. Indexing is an elegant and lightweight step towards DBMS.

Type inference

CSV is a text format that holds no type information for the columns. A string can be converted to a datatype based on its value. If all values of a column match the pattern YYYY.MM.DD we can conclude that the column holds dates. But how shall we treat the literal 100000? Is it an integer, or a time 10:00:00? Maybe the source process only supports digits and omitted the time separators? In real life, information about the source is not always available and you need to reverse engineer the data. If all values of the column match the string HHMMSS then we can conclude with high confidence that the column holds time values. The following are two approaches we can take to make a decision.

First, we could be strict: we predefine the pattern that any type needs to match. The patterns do not overlap. If time is defined as HH:MM:SS and integers as [1-9][0-9]* then 100000 is an integer.

Second, we could let patterns overlap and in case of conflict we choose the type with the smaller domain or based on some rules. This approach prefers time over int for 100000 if the time pattern also contains HHMMSS.

The CSVKit library implements the first approach.


Kdb+ is the world’s fastest time-series database, optimized for ingesting, analyzing and storing massive amounts of structured data. Its query language, called Q, is a general-purpose programming language. Tables are first-class objects in q. Q tables are semantically similar to Pandas/R data frames. You can persist tables to disk, hence the solution can be considered a database, referred to as kdb+.

Exporting and importing CSV files is part of the core language. Table t can be saved in directory dir by command

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Powerful CSV processing with kdb+ - KDnuggets
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