Learn How To Make A Custom Chat Bubble In Your Flutter Apps.

Conversation chat applications show messages in chat rises with strong shading backgrounds. Modern chat applications show chat bubbles with slopes that depend on the bubbles’ situation on the screen. There are times when we need to utilize a chat bubble in our flutter application. Yet, utilizing a library for a particularly inconsequential errand isn’t great.

In this blog, we will explore the Custom Chat Bubble In Flutter. We will see how to implement a demo program of the custom chat bubble and how to make a custom chat bubble most simply without using any third-party libraries in your flutter applications.

Table Of Contents ::



Code Implement

Code File



“ Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit that helps you build beautiful and natively combined applications for mobile, web, and desktop in a single codebase in record time ”

It is free and open-source. It was at first evolved from Google and presently overseen by an ECMA standard. Flutter applications utilize the Dart programming language for making an application. The dart programming shares a few same highlights as other programming dialects, like Kotlin and Swift, and can be trans-arranged into JavaScript code.

If you want to explore more about Flutter, please visit Flutter’s official website to get more information.

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Custom Chat Bubble In Flutter
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