Svelte has been seeing increasing amounts of traction lately but there are sometimes a bit of a dearth of examples of how to use it to build real-life applications. This tutorial illustrates how to build a minimalist application that stores its data in a database and requires login.

You can find the complete code on Github.

Project setup

We will use Sapper, the Svelte-powered server for easily building isomorphic applications. You can set up a new project with a single command:

npx degit “sveltejs/sapper-template#rollup” sapper-mood

“sapper-mood” is the name of the project you’re creating.

By default, the project is plain JavaScript. To switch to TypeScript, run node scripts/setupTypeScript followed by yarn to install dependencies and yarn run dev to start the development server.


We will store the data in a Postgres database. Rather than hand-coding SQL in the application code, we will use Knex to build SQL queries. Knex is not a fully-fledged ORM (Object–Relational Mapping), that are frequently more effort than they are worth; it’s just an API to build SQL queries and to manage migrations.

Make sure you have Postgres running locally, then create a new database and optionally a new user for your database:

> psql
## create database coaching;
## create user mooduser with password 'mysecretpassword';

Add Knex and Postgres drivers using yarn add knex pg followed by npx knex init which will create Knex’ configuration file knexfile.js .

Edit the file to enter the credentials of your local Postgres, for example

development: {
  client: 'postgresql',
  connection: {
    database: 'mood',
    user:     'mooduser',
    password: 'mysecretpassword'

#sveltejs #javascript #web-development #svelte #programming

A Svelte application with authentication and storage
28.55 GEEK